Conversion rate optimisation, also known as CRO, is a branch of search engine optimisation (SEO) and is typically located at the end of the traffic funnelling process. It is a discipline which seeks to improve the performance of websites using deep analytics, user feedback and other internal KPIs. To put it simply, CRO attempts to improve the conversion rate of websites, be it through click-throughs, subscriptions, opt-ins, or sales.
Another great way to look at CRO is that it is a method of fulfilling the needs of visitors to websites. CRO creates call-to-actions which stimulate and trigger decisive actions on visitors.

Nothing else matters if your website has poor CRO. Image courtesy of Pixabay
Why should you care about conversion rate optimisation?
Short answer: poor CRO translates to lower revenue, and higher cost.
Long answer: generating traffic is a tedious and lengthy affair. So much work goes into generating regular sources of traffic, especially niche traffic. The cost rises even higher if traffic comes from advertisements or affiliates. Without CRO, the valuable traffic will be wasted. It’s like building a steak house in a vegetarian compound – great food, but no buyers.
Benefits of conversion rate optimisation
With a proper CRO strategy in place, your website will return higher rates of conversions. The best part is, the change will happen immediately. You don’t have to wait weeks or months to see changes, because you don’t have to rely on search engines or other external factors. Not only that, continuous tweaks and chances will gradually improve the conversion rate. Your cost efficiency and return of investment will also rise in tandem. The key is learning what your visitors want and giving it to them. It’s such a simple concept.
In addition, CRO doesn’t ask for the sky – you just have to be better than your competitions. It’s not a zero-sum game. Any potential client they lose will theoretically come to you eventually – and if you have a better CRO game, the conversion is as good as done.
How to get started
You can start by looking at your site objectively and coming up with ideas on how and where it could use improvements. Does it lack trust? Look into trust icons, review platforms and adding a more personal touch maybe. Too corporate when your customers are looking for one-on-one service? Tone your sales pitch down a little and connect with the audience a bit more. Short on time? You may want to contact an SEO service company who can also take a look at optimising your site for conversions.